1906年にニューヨークのブルックリンで誕生した SMITH’ S AMERICAN 
70年代に入ると、先駆けて製品染めでカラフルに染め分けたカラーペインターパンツを生産し、そのファッション性の高さから他のワークウェアブランドとは一線を画す存在としてアメリカ~ヨーロッパに至るまで 広く愛されてきました。




SMITH'S AMERICAN was founded in Brooklyn, New York in 1906.
The SMITH in the brand name was chosen to be a simple and familiar name that any American would know, and to be a brand that would be widely loved in that way.
 In the 1910s, when New York was booming with the construction of skyscrapers, SMITH'S workwear, which was durable, comfortable to wear, and yet had a somewhat urban and elegant atmosphere, became popular.
In the 1970s, they pioneered the production of colorful painter pants that were dyed in different colors by product dyeing, and their high fashionability has made them stand out from other workwear brands and they have been widely loved from America to Europe.
The history and identity of the brand will be inherited, and from 2024, they will offer universal and colorful casual workwear with a new oval logo as an icon.



Good old 70's American TV commercial/古き良き70年代のアメリカのTVコマーシャル